Contact and inquiry -
Hotel & Gasthof Schorn

A place where someone lends you an ear.

Do you have any special requests or questions about your stay with us? Our dedicated team at Hotel & Gasthof Schorn will be happy to help you plan your vacation. Please just contact us directly to find out more about our rooms, special offers, or event planning. We will take the time to answer all your questions in detail and find the best solutions for you. Your satisfaction is our concern and we look forward to welcoming you.

Gasthof Schorn | Ziegler family
St. Leonhard Straße 1 | 5083 St. Leonhard near Salzburg | Österreich
+43 6246 723 34 |

Where does your journey begin?

From the North
Autobahn Munich (A 8) – Salzburg Tauernautobahn (A 10) – exit Salzburg Süd – direction Grödig-Berchtesgaden – St. Leonhard. The A10 Tauernautobahn Walserberg to Salzburg Süd is subject to tolls and can only be used with a valid vignette!

From the south
Villach – Tauernautobahn (A 10) – exit Salzburg Süd – direction Grödig-Berchtesgaden – St. Leonhard

From the East
Vienna – direction St. Pölten / Linz Westautobahn (A 1) – Tauernautobahn (A 10) – exit Salzburg Süd – direction Grödig-Berchtesgaden - St. Leonhard

Traveling by train
Salzburg train station (21 km). Once you arrive at the main train station in Salzburg, it is not far to St. Leonhard. Every 30 minutes there is a bus (line 25, 5 or 840 – see timetable) in the direction of Grödig / St. Leonhard.

Traveling by air
Salzburg Airport (12 km). A cab will take you from Salzburg Airport to St. Leonhard (only 10 minutes by car).

Plan route

Where joy is easy to give.

Offer joy and unforgettable moments with our vouchers from Hotel & Gasthof Schorn. Whether it is a culinary journey through our restaurant, a relaxing time-out in one of our charming rooms or a special celebration in one of our welcoming festival rooms - a voucher gift from the Schorn opens the door to warm hospitality and very personal enjoyment.

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